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14 觴㹪Ե

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14 觴㹪Ե Empty 14 觴㹪Ե

ตั้งหัวข้อ by Admin Wed 04 Jun 2008, 23:17

14 觴㹪Ե

1. ѵٷо֧Ƿش㹪Ե ͧ
The most formidable enemy in ones life is oneself.

2. Ƿ˭ش㹪Ե Ǵ
The biggest failure in ones life is self-important.

3. áзӷҷش㹪Ե ͡ǧ
The unwiset act in ones life is deceit.

4. 觷ʹʷش㹪Ե Ԩ
The most miserable act in ones life is jealousy.

5. ԴҴѹش㹪Ե 鵹ͧ
The gravest mistake in ones life is self-abundonment.

6. 觷͡ŷش㹪Եͧ ͧ͡
The most sinful act in ones life is self-deception.

7. 觷ѧǪش㹪Ե ö¢ͧͧ
The most pitiful temperament in ones life is self-abasement.

8. 觷ԭش㹪Ե ص
The most admirable spirit in ones life is perserverance.

9. ·ش㹪Ե ѧ
The most complete bankruptcy in ones life is despair.

10. ѾѵԷդҷش㹪Ե آҾó
The greatest wealth in ones life is health.

11. ˹˭ش㹪Ե ˹حس
The heaviest debt in ones life is a debt gratitide for
others help.

12. ͧѭ˭ش㹪Ե Ф
The groundest gift in ones life is forgiveness and kindness,

13. ͺͧ˭ǧش㹪Ե ͧš˵ؼ
The biggest shortcoming in ones life is permissism on unreason.

14. 觷͡ҡش ҹ
The greatest gratification in ones life is alms giving

จำนวนข้อความ : 44
Registration date : 30/05/2008

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